FLUXX Broiler

The broiler pan that set the standard for increased feeding space

The patent pending FLUXX broiler pan feeding system continues to set the standard in broiler feeding technology. The FLUXX system has been farm tested around the world, showing it to be the best at faster starts and bigger birds. Now with new features and better performance, Big Dutchman continues to deliver the innovation you need to keep your broiler operation on top!

Important Advantages

  • Available in standard or deep dish design
  • Pan spins 360 degrees providing even feed distribution
  • Up to 16 feed stations encourages birds to eat straight into the pan
  • Internal lip is designed for easy feed access, less waste and injury
  • Feed levels are easily set with ‘Spin n’ Lock’ adjustment
  • Swinging pan design for easy cleaning and less injury
  • Snap on top cap for easy installation and service
  • Additional dish latch to ensure dish stays secured
  • Will last for years with heavy duty plastic construction

Dish Options

The FLUXX broiler feed pan is offered in various sizes and options to fit your needs. This includes the choice of 13″ or 14″ diameter and standard or deep dish. The optional FX2 deep dish is designed with the deepest point near the cone, allowing for maximum feed to be presented with easy access for your birds. The internal lip design and feed positioning prevent birds from scratching the feed out of the pan, resulting in less waste.

FLUXX 13" Pan

FLUXX 14" Pan

Standard Dish

New! FX2 Deep Dish


View and download the latest FLUXX Broiler product brochure and other broiler management resources.

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Big Dutchman has a large network of trusted poultry distributors who are ready to work with you on your project. To get started, locate a distributor near you.