HydroMix Pro

The modern liquid feeding system

For over 30 years HydroMix Pro systems have been operating all over the world, on both large and small farm operations. This flexible, modular system is suitable for finishers, sows and piglets, and is available with a variety of different system concepts. Each liquid feeding system can be customized to best fit your individual requirements. HydroMix Pro operates using easy controls and user-friendly management software.

Important Advantages

  • Utilize inexpensive co products to significantly reduce feed costs
  • Fast payback through higher profits
  • Convenient pipeline system is adaptable to any building layout
  • TwinSpin piping with double spiral inside the pipe keeps feed mixes from separating
  • Intelligent sensor feeding, with BIOcontrol and LevelCheck, ensures maximum but controlled feed intake, improving daily gain and feed efficiency
  • Measures feed consumption for exact cost analysis
  • Reduces labor
  • Minimizes dust and improves air quality
  • Hogs prefer liquid feed – intake and growth performance are increased when compared to dry feeding
  • Proven technology – used all over the world for more than 35 years

Control with BigFarmNet

HydroMix Pro stands for precision hog feeding. The control software, BigFarmNet, runs on virtually any PC or mobile device and is the same for sows, piglets and finishers – so you can run all barns with the same software solution. The advantages are:

  • User-friendly
  • Well-balanced feeding by using specific feed curves
  • Monitor each animal or group of animals
  • Individual valve monitoring with automatic correction
  • Comparison of target feed quantity with actual quantity fed
  • Remote control with data transfer, data backup and alarms to your mobile devices
  • System control on any distance (via internet)


View and download the latest HydroMix Pro product brochure.

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DryExact Pro

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Control and administer your entire farm with a single software. No matter whether its a sow or finishing barn, feeding or climate, one house or an entire farm complex, BigFarmNet is the all-in-one solution for your farm – even if it’s is spread among several locations.

Let a Local Distributor Advise You

Big Dutchman has a trusted network of pig distributors who are ready to work with you on your project. To get started, locate a distributor near you.