Pig Production > Products > Environmental > Climate Systems > AirProTec
The filter to prevent introduction of the PRRS virus
Helping you maintain healthy stock is important to us. As such, our experts have collaborated with climate technology specialists and other experienced experts to develop a fresh air filter which reliably prevents PRRS viruses from entering pig houses through fresh air.
While you may have the most stringent bio-security measures, PRRS can be transmitted through the air. This poses high risks for those in regions with a high livestock density. AirProTec can help protect your barns from this invisible predator, with efficient fresh air filtration that significantly reduces the introduction of the PRRS virus, by up to 95%!
Important Advantages
- Introduction of PRRS virus via fresh air can be reduced by up to 95%
- Livestock not infected with PRRS show better biological performance
- Less secondary infections in piglet rearing and pig finishing reduce required medication
- Different AirProTec models are available, depending on the conditions on the farm and the type of fresh air distribution system
- If requested, fresh air can be cooled simultaneously with the APT 20000 or APT 10000
- Specially developed filter cassettes are easy to replace
- Low maintenance requirements
How AirProTec Works
AirProTec is a mechanical filtration system and installed in front of a corresponding fresh air inlet. Thanks to this dual filtration method, the AirProTec is is able to filter dust particles which may be contaminated with the virus. The filtered fresh air is then pushed into the house by means of a fan is also known as positive pressure ventilation. Apart from PRRS viruses clinging to the dust particles, other airborne aerosols, including influenza viruses and mycoplasmas, are also filtered efficiently from the fresh air. This considerably reduces the risk of infections and reinfections of the PRRS virus. AirProTec is available in two versions: for central or decentralized distribution of air.
1. Wind protection netting – prevents the entry of foreign matter and coarse dirt particles
2. Pre-filter – filters particles with a diameter of 3 micrometers and any remaining PRRS viruses adhering to them
3. Main filter – filters fine particles up to a diameter of 0.3 micrometers and any remianing PRRS viruses adhering to them
4. Cooling module – the fresh air can be cooled simultaneously if required
5. Ventilation pipe with fan and cover flap

APT 20000 and APT 10000: Central Fresh Air Distribution
If the fresh air enters centrally into the house, the filtered air is channeled centrally and can also be cooled, if necessary. From here, it reaches the individual compartments and pigs via ceilings for spray cooling, ceiling inlets, or FAC fresh air distributors. Due to the positive pressure ventilation system, there are no exacting requirements regarding the air-tightness of the building.

APT 1500: Decentralized Fresh Air Distribution
APT 1500 was developed specifically for use in combination with Big Dutchman CL series wall inlets. Its air capacity of approx. 1500m3/h (883 cfm) corresponds to the capacity of the inlets. A speed controlled fan adjustable by 0-10V is used. The system can easily be used for retrofitting ventilation systems of existing barns.
APT Central: Central PRRS Air Filtration & Cooling
Filtration and cooling walls are located at the front end of the swine building, where fans force all fresh air through cooling pads and filters, into the attic of the barn. The positive pressure ventilation concept will not allow any fresh air into the barns without first being filtered. Suitable for both retrofitting and new buildings.
What is PRRS?
PRRS (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome) is a highly infectious virus, found in pigs, that affects reproduction and respiration. It is responsible for some of the highest economic losses in global pig production to date. Breeding companies, multipliers and centers for artificial insemination must make sure that they maintain a negative PRRS status. A PRRS infection among your herd can be extremely devastating, not only economically, but to your animals as well.
View and download the latest AirProTec product brochure.
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