The Rally Rooter or “Düsser Wühlturm” (as it was called by its German engineers) is an enrichment device for pigs of all ages that can be placed inside large pens of finishers or sows. The animals are able to rally around and play with the loosely supported tube so as to root out forage particles placed inside the tube container. This enables them to carry out natural behavior.
Important Advantages
Provides continuous enrichment to occupy bored pigs
Allows animals to simulate natural behavior and satisfy their drive to root
Adds nutritional fiber to sow diet
View and download the latest Rally Rooter and enhanced welfare product brochures.
In order to satisfy the need to be occupied, Big Dutchman offers a wide variety of enrichment toys. These include playing chains with a range of chewable attachments and access to organic material which can be chewed and rooted.
Our flexible modular penning system enables you to construct any type and size of pen, independent of the conditions on site and the dimensions of the house.