Egg quality and flock performance webinar series begins

August 6, 2020

Big Dutchman North America has teamed up with J. Dean Williamson Ltd., a Big Dutchman layer equipment distributor in Canada, to host a series of free webinars for the fall of 2020. The webinars are graciously hosted by the Poultry Industry Council.

Though these are focused primarily on the Canadian egg producer, attendance is open to anyone who is interested. Our hope is that attendees can learn about several topics which have direct impact on egg quality and flock performance, specifically in enriched and aviary systems.

August 11, 2020 at 2:30pm EST

Join us Tuesday, August 11th at 2:30pm EST to hear from several industry experts on managing your enriched and aviary systems for maximum egg quality. We will cover multiple areas which effect egg quality, as well as options for aid that is available during these times with COVID. Our panel of speakers includes:

• Ron Wardrop: Big Dutchman Sales Manager for Canada
• J.D. Williamson: J. Dean Williamson is a Canadian distributor of Big Dutchman equipment
• Erika Blair: Big Dutchman Aviary Specialist
• Mark Doyle: Agricon Buildings Global Vice President
• Craig Klemmer: Farm Credit Canada Manager and Principal Agricultural Economist
• Ted Oke: Farm Credit Canada Senior Relationship Manager

This webinar has already taken place. Play the video below to view the full recording.

September 24, 2020 at 2:30pm EST

Join us Thursday, September 24th at 2:30pm EST to hear from several industry experts about the importance of layer barn building design, system design, layout, and whether you should build new or retrofit your existing barn. Our panel of speakers includes:

• Ron Wardrop: Big Dutchman Sales Manager for Canada
• Bryant Wiley: Big Dutchman Regional Sales Manager
• J.D. Williamson: J. Dean Williamson Ltd. is a Canadian distributor of Big Dutchman equipment
• Mark Doyle: Agricon Buildings Global Vice President
• Marty Johnson P.E.: Agricon Buildings Sales Manager

This webinar has already taken place. Play the video below to view the full recording.