Two-tier rearing aviary

NATURA Filia is a two-level rearing aviary developed by Big Dutchman to meet the requirements of day-old chicks and pullets in an optimal way. Chick bridges and ramps help the birds to get from the system to the litter areas, and to move from one tier to another. The large height of the individual aviary levels allows a very open design. The farm staff is able to easily access both levels. Intermediate levels inside the aviary increases the surface area of the system, ensuring sufficient room for all your birds.

Important Advantages

  • The birds can easily reach feed and water on both levels
  • Intermediate levels inside the system help to train the pullets to jump and fly at a very early age, and the system can be opened very early on so the pullets can use the litter area extensively
  • Sliding partitions every 58.5″ (1485 mm) reduce stress during movement
  • The raised system allows for more litter area under the system, and can be closed off automatically during the start phase
  • Optimum ratio between usable area and feeding space for ideal utilization of the house
  • Flexible front grilles allow for quick access inside the system and easy inspection
  • Height-adjustable perch pipe above the feed trough protects the trough against dirt and reduces feed waste
  • Height-adjustable drinkers provide easy access to water supply
  • Foldable approach perches ensure easy access at all times
  • Zinc-aluminum coating of bottom grilles prevent corrosion to extend the life of the system, and is easy to clean at the end of the flock
  • Available with or without air duct
  • Available in two widths: 73.5″ (1866mm) and 88.2″ (2239mm)


View and download the latest NATURA Filia product brochure.

Questions? Ask our Aviary Specialists

Managing aviary systems can seem overwhelming for producers. Our Aviary Specialists are here to help. Click the link below to find their contact information and feel free to reach out to them at any time to get your questions answered.

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Over the course of 80 years we have designed, tested, developed, and refined egg production equipment to meet every imaginable need. Get in touch with our sales team to discuss your farm requirements today.