The Colony2+ is a completely open single-tier aviary design. The name Colony2+ comes from the nest design, which is the most innovative in the industry, with a patented tilting nest floor. This nest design increases nest acceptance, improves the number of quality eggs, and promotes a cleaner nest.
As the nest closes at night, any eggs in the nest gently roll off onto the egg belt, and the nests are closed to prevent hens from trying to sleep in the nest. As the nest closes, any dust and other material that gathered will drop off the nest pad, allowing the nest to remain clean.
Depending on the circumstances in the house, Colony2+ is available as wall mounted or as a double nest with one or two tiers. The nest is made of waterproof film-coated wooden panels, galvanized sheet metal profiles and stainless steel posts, making the Colony2+ very hygienic and extremely rugged.
Important Advantages
Patented tilting nest floor
Nest stays clean throughout entire batch
Nest design and placement encourages nest acceptance
Short roll-off distances for eggs
Smooth rolling off of eggs onto the egg belt
Hens sit looking out of the nest during laying, which prevents pecking on back sides
Flat top design offers additional space for your flock
Heavy duty construction holds up to the weight of your flock
INTEGRA plastic slats create enhanced welfare
Solid nest mat prevents air updraft, maximizing hen comfort and increase nest acceptance
Fresh feed for the entire flock
The proven Champion Chain feeding system improves production, and profits by delivering superior feed flow in an easy to install system that requires little maintenance, and is built to deliver over a long period of time. The Champion Chain Drive is specifically designed to ensure excellent feed flow and correct sprocket engagement, and presents feed according to the producer’s management schedule—not the manufacturer’s schedule. Feed can easily be increased or decreased depending on your schedule.
Fresh water at any time
The entire flock has easy access to fresh water whenever they want it. Our water placement is intentional in order to promote bird movement within the system, which is vital for a healthy flock. When birds move around air flow is increased, resulting in healthier birds, a calm flock, and drier litter.
Nest Design
Maximizing egg laying and quality
The Colony2+ nest system is available in two (2) options, the standard, and the XL. Both options maintain the same precision engineering and quality material, but the XL offers more space for your hens. Colony2+ and Colony2+ XL are innovative designs for an automatic group-laying nest for broiler breeders, layer breeders and layers. Special characteristics of this automatic nest are its central egg belt and the patented divided tilting nest floor. It’s the hen’s natural desire to find the most secure place to lay her eggs. The nests are located in areas to provide this sense of security they seek. After the egg is laid, it gently rolls out onto the egg collection belt, and then heads to the egg packing area automatically.
Colony 2+ XL
Colony 2+ Standard
Operation of the tilting nest floor
The egg belt is located in the center to allow the eggs be laid directly in front of the belt. This design ensures the shortest possible roll-off distance for the eggs, minimizing the amount of cracked and checked eggs.
Before the divided nest floor completely closes the nest, it is first raised in the center, increasing the inclination of the rear part of the nest floor and removing any eggs from the nest area.
The nest floor is raised completely, allowing any dirt to drop off the nest insert as well as closing off the nest to prevent hens from entering and brooding inside.
Flat Top Design
More floor space for your flock
The flat top design offers more floor space for your flock, and is constructed of heavy duty materials to take the weight of your flock.
Perching Design and Placement
Strategically designed perching provides plenty of space for the flock to perch, resulting in a high performing, uniform flock, with less stress. Perches allow the hen to relax, and the position of the perches keep matter from soiling the feed or water.
Litter Properly Dried
For a healthy and calm flock
Every evening the entire flock makes their way off the litter aisle floor all by themselves. With the flock up off the floor every night the litter is able to dry thoroughly, providing quality litter in which your flock can forage, dust bathe, and move around without the litter sticking to their feet. The better the quality of litter, the more the hens will use this area to act out their natural behaviors, improving the welfare of the entire flock.
Security and Comfort
Your flock finds security and comfort in a group, so every night the entire flock moves back into the system without any human involvement. As the lights dim, the hens begin to hop up into the system for the night.
Take a Virtual Tour
Want to see the Colony 2+ in an actual layer house? Click to view our 360 tour of the system, and see tours of some of Big Dutchman’s other housing systems as well.
Managing aviary systems can seem overwhelming for producers. Our Aviary Specialists are here to help. Click the link below to find their contact information and feel free to reach out to them at any time to get your questions answered.
The NATURA Primus three-tier rearing aviary systems offer you the best possible prerequisites for a smooth transition of pullets from the rearing to the laying aviary.
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Over the course of 80 years we have designed, tested, developed, and refined egg production equipment to meet every imaginable need. Get in touch with our sales team to discuss your farm requirements today.