Highest DLG award for Bernd Meerpohl

Big Dutchman CEO receives the highest DLG honor

December 16, 2024

A great honor for Bernd Meerpohl: the German Agricultural Society (DLG) awarded the CEO of Big Dutchman the Max Eyth Gold Medal. DLG president Hubertus Paetow presented the medal and certificate during the International Poultry Event on the eve of the 2024 EuroTier trade show. The Max Eyth medal has only been awarded to around 20 people in nearly 130 years. 

Paetow honored Bernd Meerpohl’s outstanding services to agriculture and the DLG. For more than 30 years, Meerpohl has made significant contributions to EuroTier, which has become the world’s leading trade fair for professional animal husbandry and livestock management, first as a member and later as chairman of the Exhibitor Advisory Board.

Congratulatory Speech

“The fact that EuroTier has achieved its current position is not least thanks to Bernd Meerpohl,” said DLG president Paetow in his congratulatory speech. 

“With a clear vision, strategic skill and a deep understanding of the needs of the industry, Bernd Meerpohl has continuously helped to drive the trade fair forward. He has never shied away from breaking new ground and driving forward bold decisions – always with the aim of promoting progress in agriculture and animal husbandry,” Paetow continued.

The extent to which Meerpohl is able to anticipate livestock farming trends and to respond to changes and the resulting demand for new platforms that meet the challenges of the future with concrete, successful concepts can be seen, for example, in the new Inhouse Farming Food & Feed Show, summarized Paetow.


“With his commitment, Bernd Meerpohl has not only made a valuable contribution to the further development of EuroTier, but also to the promotion of German and international agriculture as a whole.”

Max Eyth (1836-1906) founded the DLG. He advocated the worldwide use of steam engines in agriculture. Later, he made a name for himself as an illustrator and book author (“Behind plough and vice – Sketches from an engineer’s notebook” is the translated title of one of his books, which is only available in German). 

Eurotier 2024: Bernd Meerpohl erhält die Max-Eyth-Denkmünze in Gold, die höchste Auszeichnung der DLG im Rahmen des International Poultry Events.